Statement of Confession – To be read daily
I am a Christian. That mean Christ-like. It means I must show Christ in every aspect of my life. In my home, on my job, in my community.
I am of a royal priesthood and a joint heir with Christ. I am entitled to every covenant and promise that God made.
I am victorious. I am more than a conqueror. I am a winner. I am triumphant. For greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.
I am the head and not the tail. I am blessed. I am the light and the salt of the world. Wherever I go I will exhibit Kingdom of God and Kingdom of Heaven living.
I have the power within me to say ‘no’ to anything that is not of God because I am fearfully and wonderfullu made. I can do all things when Christ strengthens me. ‘I can’t’ is not in my vocabulary. I have a purpose and I will fulfill my purpose.
I will praise God continously. I am a true worshipper of God. The abundant life is my style. I will study and rightly divide the word of God and not make my Father ashamed. I know that His word is true and the final authority for my life.
I know that when my appointed time comes I will hear my Father say that I have done well and been faithful. I will contend for the faith and have an answer for the hope that is in me.
I will fight the good fight of faith. I know that the fight is fixed and I win. I will complete my course in Jesus’ name.